here's a rundown of the goals i set for myself...
insanely far-fetched goals:
1) get a masteral's degree
2) put up my own archi/construction firm
3) establish my own automobile customs and repair shop
4) errect a residential towers in makati
and learn the following languages somewhere in between:
1) japanese
2) french
3) italian
4) german
5) latin
and still remain or become a better speaker and writer of the english language...
insanely far-fetched goals:
1) get a masteral's degree
2) put up my own archi/construction firm
3) establish my own automobile customs and repair shop
4) errect a residential towers in makati
and learn the following languages somewhere in between:
1) japanese
2) french
3) italian
4) german
5) latin
and still remain or become a better speaker and writer of the english language...

image from Anime Project Alliance Gallery
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