
to be continued~ ^^,

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

November Open Gaming Meet

**reposted from the talecraft message board.



The November Open Gaming Meet will be held on the 2nd Saturday of the month, November 8, in the rooftop poolside cabanas of Residencia 8888, Pearl Drive, Ortigas Center, from 3pm til 11:30pm.

The OGM is an informal gathering of tabletop games enthusiasts from various groups (like Tabletop Wars, Philboardgamers, A.E.G.I.S., New Worlds Alliance, Rolling Hills Gaming Club, & UP Hobby Gaming Circle just to name a few) who try out new games and/or play favourites games, be it Boardgames, Miniature War Games, RPGs, Card Games, or Board Wargames, with friends - new and old.

We have the following house rules and expect every participant to adhere to them:

- the open-air cabana (the one to the left when you enter the pool area) is the noise-free area (where smoking is allowed)

- the aircon cabana (the one to the right when you enter the pool area) is the smoke-free area (where being boisterous is allowed).

- avoid putting food or drinks on the same table as the games (a lot of these games are not cheap or out of print, so please be considerate to the owner of the game).

- if you must eat while gaming, use a nearby empty table (if available) to eat your food (if a spare table is unavailable, eat / drink in such a way that crumbs / droplets will not fall on the game pieces).

- practice "clean as you go" - make sure that the tables are devoid of wrappers / empty bottles / etc. when you vacate it (so that the next group of players won't spend time cleaning up your mess).

- there is a 30 minute grace period at the end of the meet so the volunteer crew can pack up without being stressed out (that's why the meet time is only until 11:30pm now, the remaining 30 minutes til midnight is used for packing / clean up).

- open/closed signs on the status of the cantina will be found on both cabanas (so that people don't have to leave their game to inquire on when the cantina has finished setting up).

- there's a "wait to be served" policy at the cantina (this is due to some people just grabbing reserved food / drinks and just leaving the pay on the counter).

Planned Games for the Nov. OGM:

FORMULA V '08 Season Race 13
Using the Formula Dé game, this is an ongoing championship of 14 races with points to determine who will be the Driver's Champion and Team Champion. Due to the length of time it runs when there's a lot of players (maximum of 10 players), the race will start at 9pm. Interested players can just look for Victor when the game is being prepped (you can't miss it, it's a huge box).
Info about Formula Dé can be found here: http://www.rpg. net/reviews/ archive/12/ 12040.phtml

Can you survive the Last Night on Earth?
When Victor was a GM of Game Crab, he ran a Basic Scenario where the players were able to set a win record by completing the scenario by turn 9 (starting from turn 15). Now he wants to see if anyone in the OGM can match or break the record. He will be the ZM for the first game and is open for 4 players. The zombie infestation will start at 6pm. Interested players can look for Victor when the game is bing prepped. Info about LNoE can be found here: http://www.gameshar k.com/features/ 384/Cracked- LCD-24-Last- Night-on- Earth-Review. htm

Aside from the above mentioned games, games confirmed to be brought on that day are:

Arkham Horror, (boardgame for 1-8 players), http://www.rpg. net/reviews/ archive/11/ 11462.phtml
Bang!, (party card game for 4-7 players), http://www.rpg. net/reviews/ archive/9/ 9754.phtml
Betrayal at House on the Hill, (boardgame for 3-6 players), http://www.rpg. net/reviews/ archive/10/ 10766.phtml

Carcassone, (tile laying game for 2-5 players), http://www.rpg. net/reviews/ archive/9/ 9737.phtml
Citadels, (party card game for 2-7 players), http://www.rpg. net/reviews/ archive/10/ 10836.phtml

Descent: Jouneys in the Dark, (boardgame for 2-5 players), http://www.rpg. net/reviews/ archive/12/ 12846.phtml
Doom: The Boardgame, (boardgame for 2-4 players), http://www.thedicet ower.com/ reviews/doom. htm
Draco & Co., (party card game for 3-6 players), http://www.boardgam egeek.com/ thread/6231

Family Business, (party card game for 2-6 players), http://www.io. com/~beckerdo/ games/reviews/ FamilyBusinessRe view.html
Fury of Dracula, (boardgame for 2-5 players), http://www.funagain .com/control/ product/~ product_id= 015522
Give me THE Brain!, (party card game for 3-8 players), http://www.boardgam egeek.com/ thread/30799
Guillotine, (party card game for 3-5 player), http://www.thedicet ower.com/ reviews/guilloti ne.htm

Illuminati, (party cardgame for 2-6 players), http://www.angelfir e.com/games/ zombiereviews/ reviews/illumina tideluxrvw. html
Kill Dr. Lucky, (boardgame for 3-7 players), http://www0. epinions. com/review/ Kill_Doctor_ Lucky_32725604/ kifm-review- 3726-1FE2BB34- 39EBAE8B- prod3
Kragmortha, (boardgame for 2-8 players), http://www.rpg. net/reviews/ archive/13/ 13052.phtml
Mystery of the Abbey, (boardgame for players), http://www.rpg. net/reviews/ archive/9/ 9375.phtml

Navia Dratp, (chess-like game for 2 players), http://www.boardgam egeek.com/ thread/78984
Once Upon a Time, (party card game for 2-6 players), http://www.rpg. net/news+ reviews/reviews/ rev_1613. html
The Great Brain Robbery, (boardgame for 3-7 players), http://www.boardgam egeek.com/ thread/167062

Once you're at Residencia 8888, please inform the Front Desk that you're there for the "tournament" at the rooftop cabana.

There is the usual entrance fee of 50 pesos to help defray the cost of renting the cabanas.

Your current OGM Host/Coordinator,
"I game, therefore I am..."

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


soooo, anyone want to go?


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