
to be continued~ ^^,

Monday, September 22, 2003

... nothing new really...

it was khan's birthday last saturday, september 20th... anyway... i got him an anime vcd... but i gave him a hentai vcd without even realizing it... don't look at me... i really didnt know what to give him and i just blindly rummaged through the cd rack and took it out from the pack and paid for it... ***so much for being thoughtful***

anyway... i just finished watching the 2nd rerun of the last two episodes of gensomaden saiyuki the series... i can't help but just feel giddy and er... happy? from what genjo sanzo and sha gojyo said...

"Vanity of vanities. Kill the Buddha when you meet him, Kill the Father when you meet him, Never be captivated by other words or actions, Live life the way you're living it. Don't let your mind, body and soul by controlled by others. Believe in yourself, believe in your eyes, believe in your power, and nothing else." [http://www.angelfire.com/zine2/honeybabie/saiyuki.html]

... the quote... i know this sounds sappy... and shallow even... but i guess this quote is now something that i believe in...

turned into one of those mottos on life?

:) one should live his life as he see fits... never to be wavered and weakened by what other people might say... regardless of the possibility of being an outcast... someone hated by society because he does not conform to it's norms and expectations...

...one should just be himself... regardless... regardless of everything others might say...

that's it for now...

i'll return to my sullen pessimistic self in a couple of minutes


Thursday, September 11, 2003

finally got through my writter's block...

i managed to write a new poem... i just posted it on word4word...

btw... word4word, or w4w as we like to call it, is this msn group that i'm a member of... members are welcome to post their poems, stories, lyrics, opinions and a whole lot more and have other people read and comment on them...

as usual... it's still just there...

i just wish that w4w isn't falling apart... *shrug*

anyway... i got to fix the date on this thing... it's a day delayed... again...

Saturday, September 06, 2003

... stupid vid card... it's messing up the pc...

and my files... which is like 2G's worth is in danger...

i sound like a sappy... never mind

i have nothing to rant about really...

things are starting to look up... i think... with the whole barkada thing... my schooling... my family and shit....

so that's it


Monday, September 01, 2003

... *groan* ...

it's decided... i'm to go to remain in mapua for another quarter...


i guess you really can't have everything go your way ne?

oniichan's been in sydney, australia for 3 days now... he left the Philippines August 29th at around 8 pm...

and guess what?

the whole barkada ***group of friends*** is falling apart...

... my mother told me i did not use my common sense hence my sister's unexpected jeepney ride home...

LIFE IS SUUUUUUUUUUUCH A B*TCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i should have known better than to let it get to me... but shit...

my biological mother kept on yapping at me like i didnt have any more problems stuck on my forehead...



so my *ahem* temporary solution???

cut small shallow cuts on each finger... with a cutter... *duh!!?* and sleep with the freaking cutter in your hand....

cool huh???

oniichan didnt think so...

he said it worries him... and that i shouldnt do it again... EVER...

*shrug* thanks for his concern... i appreciate it really... but that doesnt really take care of anything now does it?

heh... i know... making cuts on ur fingers isnt a wonderful solution either...


thanks for the net space

love you blogger!!!

and hope you guys have a nicer life...
