
to be continued~ ^^,

Sunday, July 20, 2003

... it's been erk... a day since my last post...

school yesterday was fine... it rained... and i didnt have my umbrella with me...

it was hot when i left the house... and i didnt bring a jacket or whatever with me... so i ended up buying this red umbrella with the school's insignia on it...

btw... i kinda flunked my 2nd? trigo check-up quiz... :( oh well...

i dont really bother myself over things like those... but i swear i'll do better next time...

one of my classmates however was insanely bummed about it...

yadda yadda yadda... okay...


approximately 7:20 am


i'm supposed to be in school by this time... for CWS... that thing over there is like ROTC (Reserve Officers
Training Corps) i forgot what CWS stands for but their similar to each other...

anyway... it turns out that that CWS thing starts on the 27th... oh well... goody!!!

i dont feel elated or anything...

i think it's a worse case of feeling inanely neutral...

later blog


Saturday, July 19, 2003

... i dont have anymore money... help

...it's been tight... 5 days since my last post...

i can't freakin access fanfiction.net... i have no idea why...


events for the last few days???

classes wont on as usual... like i'll be having them today... and tomorrow... arrgg


not much to share really


Monday, July 14, 2003

okay... it's been... erk... 5 days since my last post...

what went down?

nothing really

my sister got herself into a hockey team... vixens

today would be my first official day in college... i go to Mapua Institute of Technology and will be studying Architecture for this quarter... or if something happens i'll graduate from the school of architecture...

what's this about?

nothing really

i'm not hyped... or am i bumbed by the whole thing...

just plain... er... passive...


i still have that stupid cold... and a nasty bruise covering... yep... covering my left knee...

got it from playing that punching game thingy at timezone in megamall and i guess i just kept on hitting my knee on the metal cover part thingy... so much for punching... heheh...


i have a green frog with insanely big googley eyes on top of my monitor... it's my sister's... i think it's cute... but i guess when i'm not in the mood... it's kinda freaky to have big artificial eyes peering down at you while you work...

speaking of work...

my second kaikan phrase fic is on it's way... it's called Clipped Angel Wings

pairing is still unknown... definitely shonen ai or yaoi if you will... but nothing but mushy romanctic umm... thing

there you go


got grab some break fast for myself

later blogger


Wednesday, July 09, 2003

it's been two days since my last post...

update: i'm sick

as in a have a cold...

hate colds... and i woke up this morning coughing like hell

that's it

Sunday, July 06, 2003

... yesterday went pretty well...

here's the series of events:

10:15-ish am: oniichan came to my house ahead of schedule... 45 minutes ahead...

11:00am to 12:00 noon: fooled around with the pc... listened to oniichan's cd... oniichan tried to play ragnarok to no avail... we ate the carbonarra my mom made for us...

12-ish pm : commuted to creole-sama's house... once there we fooled around some more... played with benjie's (the dogsquid, dont look at me... he's been called that ever since time in memorial...) hair... creole-sama and i colored his hair with yellow-ish hair mascara and placed in a brown-red-ish colored spots... :S

2:00pm : left creole-sama's house to go to robinson's galleria...

bag the freakin time zone...

@galleria we dropped by netopia to check on khan (one of our buddies) after five minutes or so we left benjie there to play ragnarok online... so me, creole-sama and oniichan went around the mall looking for a not so crowded comfort room... once finished with girly business the three of us went straight for the movie house on the top floor of the mall... purchased 5 tickets for the 3:15pm screening time of the charlie's angels chick flick... and went back to the ground floor where netopia is...

okay... looks like everything went well right?


call it a male teenanger's angst stage... or call it highly uninterested... or call it benjie being a total jackassed jerk!!!


because... oniichan paid for benjie's ticket and creole-sama paid for khan's... but if benjie wasnt interested in seeing charlie's angels... he could have just simply said so... he didnt have to go up to oniichan and tell him in the face that " i do not owe anyone anything" i mean... it was totally uncalled for... so i guess as a consolation for oniichan i gave him the money he lost for paying for benjie's ticket...

the consequence of this little... act of *sigh* insolence?

creole-sama drenched in utter fury... and i swear she was ever sooooooooooo close to punching his sorry face right then and there...

okay... so with a still angered creole-sama and a pissed-off oniichan... the four of us *including khan* went up to the movie house to catch our movie...

charlie's angels wasnt that bad... i mean... sure it's a chick flick and even if i'm a girl i dont really like stuff that scream too much girl power it was okay... effects were good... i liked the motocross scene a whole lot...

so we went out... really bent on jumping to the other mall to get some arcade fun.... when all of a sudden... out of freakin nowhere benjie jumps in on us with a big grin plastered on his face as if nothing HAPPENED!!! so naturally creole-sama became pissed... and was royally pissed till we reached sm megamall...

part two later...

need ta eat er... i guess it's still classified as breakfast... it's 9:40 am by my watch... id have ta work up on the right timezone thingy on my blog...


Friday, July 04, 2003

me is baaaaaaaaaaaaack!!!

alrighty one more day till the (not so dreaded) gimik (hang-out) day!!!

okay... call it pms or whatever... but i dont really feel nice about going out tom anymore...


i really really really dont know anymore...

but i guess since it's mostly my fault why there's gonna be a gimik day tom... i'm going... i just dont really feel... excited or anything of the sort... i just dont feel... ... anything...

dont look at me...

i mean...


this sucks

why dont i just leave before i make a bigger fool out of myself... later

Thursday, July 03, 2003

okay.... changed my mind... ***hmmm*** since i'm already here... and i obviously dont have anything else to do... i might as well rant my a$$ off...

first rant topic: music... atleast the mp3's that oniichan gave me... but before neething else... might as well tell you who oniichan is...

oniichan bio:

real name: gino rodrigo

also known as: gino, kuya gino, light bulb head +couple of years back that's what he was called+, the gamemastah +he runs his own rpg+... etc...etc...etc... dnt forget oniichan... but i think i'm the only one who calls him that... oh well... ***for those who dont know onichan is the japanese word for older brother... or someone who's older than you are... it's a sign of respect***

age: 19-ish... me forgot... oh well

job description: to keep my head straight... simply put... he acts as my shrink... :)

ranter's misc notes: we are not biologically related in anyway...

so that's oniichan!

so... anyway... as i was saying...

first rant topic: music... atleast some of the mp3's that oniichan gave me...

okay so just this morning i turned my winamp ver.3 **aint timoki cute** and hit the 4th entry on my playlist which was Mae- Embers and Envelopes... i've grown to like the song alot... sounds cute.... but i really couldnt catch the lyrics sooo i turned at google and searched... got what i wanted and a cool lyric archive as well...

***ranter's misc notes: if your wondering the url of the lyric archive is : http://www.lyricstime.com/ +-- very much recommended end of rmn***

there were other entries on my PL that i liked also... rays of light - soundtrack of our movie and rays of light - skyline drive... at least that was how it was labelled...

so i tried my luck at the lyric archive and lo and behold! there were no artist matches by that name... and gave me a long list of songs that have rays and light in the title... so i tried again by hitting in the song title which was soundtrack for our movie... and i was really surprised by the results...

it turns out that the same artist who's responsible for embers and envelopes is the same artist who sang soundtrack for our movie and skyline drive...

okay not much of a revelation and you guys may not really think any of it... but if a certain someone branded oniichan just had the mp3s labelled theeen i wouldnt have gone crazy the first few days i fell in love with soundtrack for our movie!!!

oh well

i dont think i'm allowed to post the lyrics here... but should you want to see it...

the link is: http://www.lyricstime.com/artist/mae/

just click on which title of the song you want to see...

thanks sooooooooo much blogger for my space

... i'm an ass for leaving this bloggie of mine unattendend for sooooooo darn long... sorry... anyways... thanks again to rika-chan for tweaking my blog out...

what's new for me?

... COLLEGE ...

hmmm... alright...

event: malling? i think... eating? that's deffinitely part of it... aaaaaarg! HANGING OUT WID MY FRIENDS... :)

date: july 5th on this forsaken year 2003

time: noon-ish...

what the ever hell for: we just want to spend time with oniichan! hehe :)

later ppl

rika : there i've posted... updated my bloggie already

later ppl!